FRONTSIDE FLIP (FRONTSIDE 180 FLIP) 1. The faster you go into this trick, the better it will turn out. 2. Do a normal kickflip. 3. Turn 90 degrees. 4. Catch the board and then turn it the rest of the way with your feet. 5. As far as foot placement goes, do whatever feels comfortable, just like a normal kickflip. 6. Don't let the board go between your legs, because that would be an illusion flip.
NOLLIE HEELFLIP 1. Definitely learn how to do nollies first. 2. Put your front foot on the edge of your nose. Put your back foot between the bolts and off-center, with your toes hanging off a bit. 3. Nollie. Pop as much as you can. To the moon. 4. Kick out and down with your heel. 5. Catch the board with both feet over the bolts, land and ride away smooth. Try catching the board with your back foot. This will help you with a smooth landing.
NOLLIEFLIP 1. First, you need to have nollies down. 2. Position your front foot on the nose, and your back foot above the back bolts and hanging off the side of your board. 3. Nollie and lean back. 4. Slide your back foot toward the side edge of your tail. Kickflip. 5. Catch the board over the bolts, just like any other flip trick. 6. Ride away.
VARIAL HEELFLIP 1. You should have heelflips down first. 2. Hang your toes and the ball of your foot over the edge of the board. 3. This trick is not as much of a scoop as it is a frontside pop shove-it. There is more of a pop and ollie emphasis on it. 4. Pop the board and flick it with your heel in a circular motion. 5. Catch it and then stomp it down. 6. Ride away.
SWITCH 360 FLIP 1.All right -- first, you're going to want to go to an empty parking lot, so none of your friends can see how long it's going to take you to do this trick. 2. Get nice and comfortable going switch. 3. Imagine you're doing a regular 360 flip. 4. Turn your shoulders the opposite way. If you turn them backside, it's not going to work. 5. Pop the tail while concentrating on shoving your board as if you were doing a whip-it varial. The key to learning this trick is in the motion of the back foot. 6. With your front foot, do a kickflip-like motion, kicking the board down, not out in front of you. 7. Catch the board on its way up, and then smack it down with your feet. Land, and keep on practicing, because it's going to take a long time.